oneatomdb So Far

The previous post described prefixing the columns with the list name as the fix for joining two lists that had maps with the same keys.

(seethe @db2 [“jointhe” :runners :laps “onthe” :runners.racenumber = :laps.runnernumber] wherethe :runners.racenumber = “3”)

Joining multiple topics together was one of the last big pieces for retrieving data, so at this point, oneatomdb works as a read only database, but there’s no way to put data into it. Inserts and updates are needed.


Insert logic can be broken down from the inside out. The row that is being inserted is really a map. That row is being added to a vector. This can be done individually with conj or over a list using apply conj. Since that vector is the value that goes with a top level key in the atom database, it needs to be associated with that key in the map. Finally, that association is swapped into the atom.

(defn insertthe [a topic newval]
(if (vector? newval)
(swap! a assoc topic (apply conj (topic @a) newval))
(swap! a assoc topic (conj (topic @a) newval))


Update is a more interesting operation. Again, starting at the innermost layer, an update assicates a new value with a key in a map. That updated map is then replaced inside a the vector which is then replaced as the value associated with a top level key in the atom database.

Each of those operations can be done with the assoc-in function. Assoc-in for a vector uses the index of the element of the vector as the key. That’s great if you know which entry is to be replaced. As part of an update command, any value that passes a predicate should be updated. Map can be used to look at each element in the vector, but that doesn’t give the index so my initial implementation mapped over the keys of the vector.

(range (count v))

Each map in the vector is checked against the wherethe function and if it is true, that map is updated using assoc-in.

(defn updatethe [a topic setthe column newval & filterlist]
(doall (map (fn [i]
(let [r (get (topic @a) i)
mes (println " " r)]
(if ((apply wherethe (rest filterlist)) r)
(swap! a assoc-in [topic i column] newval))
)) (range (count (topic @a)))))

The initial implementation worked, but there is a map-indexed function which provides the index.

(defn updatethe [a topic setthe column newval & filterlist]
(let [pred (apply wherethe (rest filterlist))
updatefun (fn [idx itm]
(if (pred itm)
(swap! a assoc-in [topic idx column] newval)))
(doall (map-indexed updatefun (topic @a)))))

Since both map and map-indexed return a lazy sequence, and updating the atom is a side effect, the update won’t happen unless doall is used to force evaluation of the whole collection.

Current State of oneatomdb

At this point, oneatomdb can add, update, and retrieve data. While it’s not complete, it may be close enough to try it in a test app.

What’s Next

There are three potential next steps with oneatomdb. One choice is to implement the ‘D’ operation in CRUD and add a deletethe function. Another choice is to write the reference app to use oneatomdb, and the last option is to clean up some of the inconsistencies in the code.

During the development of the seethe function, the first argument has been the de-referenced map out of the atom. Insert and update operations actually need the atom so insertthe and updatethe are inconsistent from seethe.

There is also a cleanup of places in the api where a string, like “wherethe”, is passed that just gets mapped to a function. Converting wherethe into a function should remove some cruft.